Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How do I start a story?

My personal favorite is called a "Cold Open" basically is just jumping into the story.  

Watch this video...

You don't need to say, "There was a plane...then it crashed." Cold opens, just jump into it... its more exciting and provides curiosity (Curiosity is your best friend to keep a reader.)  Cold opens is common in stories, movies and comics.  It sure beats a fairy tale beginning or Star Wars intro.

Things to remember
>Hooks are the best to start a story. Hooks can be just one worders.
>Don't forget the beginning is utterly vital for readers!


       There once was a kingdom that lived in a fictional world called Polutian.  There was a king named Cyrus, a well needed king.  During his reign, a evil ruler named Juan had usurped power by raiding his own castle with his own minions.

      "You won't get away with this Juan.  Everyone in Polutian will notice I'm gone."
      "I think I will. We're twins after all."
Juan smirked while playing with his saber--inching it closer to his brother's neck.  A grin shaped his mustache into a smile, while the king was back up in the wall.   Juan's minions had surrounded him, laughing and frolicking stealing treasures and weaponry from the dead soldiers.


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